Saturday, September 4, 2010

Less Materialistic

One of my early goals is to start being less dependent on the day to day things we have to have, or so we tell ourselves.  That being said, I have acknowledged that I am a pack rat and too dependent on materialistic things. Time for a change.

So the first thing I did was go through my entire basement and pulled anything that I haven't used in over a year, basically previous hobbies, clothes, books, etc...  I am in the process of organizing everything I have removed from the basement and putting price stickers on it to sell in my yard sale.  My next step will be to craigslist and ebay anything I did not sell in the yard sale.  Then I will basically repeat the same process all over again with things I haven't used in 6 months again for 3 months.  At this point I'll be able to potentially begin living a reduced lifestyle.


  1. You know what works really well for curbing packrat tendencies? Living in New York City. Sheesh. Nowhere for the things I NEED much less extraneous crap. Sounds like a good plan though, paring down, reducing.

  2. I know a young woman named Rhianna who did exactly the same thing you're doing. Getting rid of the excess and trimming down on material things. She lives in Israel now with her husband.
